Today my sweet girl turned 1 one year old! This year flew by way faster than Sam’s first year!
Here you are just minutes old
Your daddy was over the moon to finally have a little girl after 3 boys…. When I was planning your 1st birthday party he said “Anything for my princess” – uh-oh Sounds like your Daddy will be spoiling you for the rest of your life – in honor of having a girl he wore a pink shirt the day you were born
And then he wore a pink shirt on your first birthday too ♥
And he is still crazy about his little girl!
So, on your 1st birthday here is a little note from me to you:
Dearest Hannah,
I remember the day you were born – I had been dreaming about having a little girl to shop with, put bows in her hair and paint our toes with…..the first words out of my mouth were “Is it a girl?” We were told you were a girl but I just wanted to be sure – haha - You have brought so much joy to our family – I just love you to pieces. You were such an easy going baby – so many times I forgot you were even there – you were so quiet and just went with the flow – which was a blessing! Sure we had some rough patches but I think all babies do – we worked through them and we survived the first year. You nursed like a champ and never had one drop of formula – maybe that doesn’t seem like a big deal to you but I had issues with Sam and we had to supplement and I hated that he had formula. I must admit I did keep formula in the house just in case but we never needed it…. You were a nursing pro! You are a decent sleeper, still not STTN yet (although you have done it twice) but I don’t mind. I actually enjoy our 3am nursing session where you are just so at peace and sleepy – it’s nice snuggle time~ I am so excited to see what changes you will be going thru the next few months – only good times ahead my sweet girl!
You are my Hannah Banana.
You are my Peanut.
You are my little love.
I love you
Now on to the good stuff – your party!!!!
I know you won’t ever remember your party but I still wanted to make it fantastic! My friend Gena designed the invites
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You looked so cute in your little dress –
Here are some of the decorations
You weren’t thrilled about the cake
but then Daddy got you a cupcake and you decided to have a taste
Your favorite part of the present opening was when Daddy blew up a trash bag with air – LOL –
Sam ended up opening your gifts for you – you didn’t mind =)
except when we got home he assumed they were all his since, you know, HE opened them... lol
It was a great party!
... thanks for coming....
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