Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We were sitting in the living room and Sam looked at the Nativity and asked me what it was

Me: that’s the Nativity
Sam: Oh, can we talk about it?
Me: Sure!  What would you like to know?
Sam: points to Mary and Baby Jesus  Is that Baby Jesus?
Me: Yes
Sam: Who are they?
Me: That is Joseph, Mary, and Jesus.  Jesus is God’s son – he was born on Christmas day – Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus’ birthday
Sam: points to the wise men  Who are they?
Me: Those are the wise men. They each brought a gift for Jesus – gold, frankincense and myrrh
Sam: points to the shepherd Who’s that?
Me: That is a shepherd – he came to see Jesus.  And this is the angel praying over them all
Sam: points to the camel  Whats that?
Me: That’s a camel – the wise men rode on his back to get to Bethlehem.  

Then Sam has me put each wise man on the camel – haha

Me:  So, who was born on Christmas day?
Sam: ummm,  Hannah!
Me: No silly, Jesus!
Sam: Yeah, Hannah is already born
Me: Do you have any other questions?
Sam: Can I have some chocolate milk?
Me:  lol  you sure can!

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