We had a great weekend! My mom came up from MD and Sam had fun taking walks and playing with her! Saturday night we even broke out the smores! Sam tasted his first one (minus the chocolate) and as you can see he loved it!
Then he decided he just wanted a marshmallow and proceeded to jam the WHOLE thing in his mouth! Oy!
See I told you it would fit!!!
Grandma always makes me laugh =)
No weekend is complete w/o playing in the mud!
Remember this chair? Yeah, well Sam thinks its his.....lol
Sam loved it when Daddy spinned him around in the laundry basket!

And no weekend would be complete w/o a project!!! We got this box with some champagne in it from our mortgage gal at closing - the box was nice so I held onto it - I forgot to take a "before" of the empty box but the bottom was pretty much plain green. I lined the bottom in white paper and painted it blue.
This is the top "before"
On the inside I used Sam's art work and made a collage =)
On the top outside I lined it with paper and then covered it in modge podge to give it a nice finish.
Then I sealed the sides too! Loved howit turned out! I plan on using this as his "Daycare Days" box.
Saturday Josh's flag football team played in the championship and they WON!!! yay!!! Way to go Josh!
Its Sunday - which means time for produce! This week I got strawberries, radishes, swiss chard (tasted like spinach), lettuce, romaine, spinach, and basil - yum!
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