If you have never been to a Children’s Hospital before they are pretty cool! Nice big fish tanks and colorful walls with lots of fun murals and paintings – very nice! I took Sam yesterday to see a Pediatric Allergist to find out if he is allergic to milk. They did the scratch test first and Sam didn’t even flinch – even the nurse was surprised! They did 4 marks – top one was an antihistamine and was suppose to get big and red – the next was a control, salt water. Then we did dairy and soy.

We waited 15 minutes to see what happened. Well, nothing happened – which is good! So, he tested negative for both dairy and soy. The next step was to do a blood test to check his exact levels – this didn’t go so well. Sam has nice chubby arms and trying to find a vein wasn’t easy – she finally found one and Sam was on my lap and oh boy! He was screaming! Luckily she only needed 3ml – if she had needed more she would have had to stick him again in another vein since this one wasn’t giving her much. When that was done I took Sam to the gift shop to let him get a treat for being such a good sport! Sam picked out a nice shiny Mylar balloon and held on tight – he loves balloons! He even held it while he ate dinner – LOL

So, the results were this: He is not allergic to dairy - if he ingests dairy it will not be a life threatening situation but she wants us to keep him dairy free until he turns 2 (since he had a visible reaction to dairy previously). At that time they will retest and if he is still negative then we will food challenge him in the hospital (give him yogurt and wait for a reaction, give him cheese and wait for a reaction, etc). And if that all goes smooth then we can start dairy at 2. It will be a long year but totally worth it if it prevents him from avoiding dairy for the rest of his life =)
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