After a 2 week transition Sam is officially in the Loveable Lambs room!

The Lamb room is the pre-toddler room for 12-18 months – they do more activities in this room and are put on a schedule – Sam has been doing great and is actually napping way better in this room than in the infant room.

Last week was hit or miss at drop off – one day he cried and one day he waved bye to me.
This morning he was already crying as soon as I sat him at the table for breakfast – after holding him on my lap for a few minutes he sat back down by himself and ate some of his breakfast

He was good until I got up to leave =(
Miss Linda picked him up and before I was out the door he had stopped crying – whew!
Ahhh...Sammy you are growing up so fast. Way to go you are such a big boy :-) Evan wants to be just like you :-)