We headed to Georgia, home of the Peach last weekend to visit our friends Chad and Gena and their new twins evan and Taryn. This was Sam’s 2nd plane ride and he didn’t do as wonderful as the first. He refused to sleep and wanted to be passed back between me and Mark. He wanted to look out the window and bang on the seats. He was very curious looking around at everyone, waving, trying to make friends (oh wait that sounds like Mark! Haha) After a few delays due to rain we made it to Georgia around 7pm. Chad picked us up at the airport and we headed to their place. They live about 90 mins from the airport, north, west, south, I have no clue, It was dark and I was in the back with Sam.
Sam slept in the car so when we arrive at Gena and Chad’s he decides he is awake and “thanks for the nap” – The twins, Taryn and Evan, were already asleep so we had to wait until the morning to see them.
Taryn and Evan were born in April so they are 5 months old and sooo cute!!! Sam liked to “pet” them like he does piper – heehee – we have been teaching him to be gentle with piper and pat her instead of grabbing hair so that is how he acted with the twins. However their 2 dogs had wonderfully long hairy tails that Sam could NOT resist and he kept grabbing them at every opportunity – sorry Teebo and Nash!
We stayed until Monday and just hung out at the house –with 3 little ones under 1 we figured that was best!
Gena and Chad were awesome hosts and really went all out to accomodate me and Sam and our milk free diet – you guys are awesome! Thanks!
We took the kids swimming one day, played with the exersaucers, tried out Evan’s and Taryn’s toys and just hung out – that’s the best kind of vacation!
So here are a few pics from our weekend – There were 100’s to choose from but obvioulsy I couldn’t post them all so I tried to pick some of my favs =)
Oh and the plane ride home was a repeat of heading out there – except this time there were LOTS of babies on the plane making noises, not just sammy – lol. And the people around us all loved Sam and played peek-a-boo with him and talked with him. Heck, even at the baggage claim the women were coming up to us saying bye to Sam =)
Right….. picture time……
Sam slept in the car so when we arrive at Gena and Chad’s he decides he is awake and “thanks for the nap” – The twins, Taryn and Evan, were already asleep so we had to wait until the morning to see them.
Taryn and Evan were born in April so they are 5 months old and sooo cute!!! Sam liked to “pet” them like he does piper – heehee – we have been teaching him to be gentle with piper and pat her instead of grabbing hair so that is how he acted with the twins. However their 2 dogs had wonderfully long hairy tails that Sam could NOT resist and he kept grabbing them at every opportunity – sorry Teebo and Nash!
We stayed until Monday and just hung out at the house –with 3 little ones under 1 we figured that was best!
Gena and Chad were awesome hosts and really went all out to accomodate me and Sam and our milk free diet – you guys are awesome! Thanks!
We took the kids swimming one day, played with the exersaucers, tried out Evan’s and Taryn’s toys and just hung out – that’s the best kind of vacation!
So here are a few pics from our weekend – There were 100’s to choose from but obvioulsy I couldn’t post them all so I tried to pick some of my favs =)
Oh and the plane ride home was a repeat of heading out there – except this time there were LOTS of babies on the plane making noises, not just sammy – lol. And the people around us all loved Sam and played peek-a-boo with him and talked with him. Heck, even at the baggage claim the women were coming up to us saying bye to Sam =)
Right….. picture time……

This is what it will look like if we have twins....lol
Sam, Evan, Taryn
headin home....
We sure enjoyed your visit. Sam is so cute and it was so fun to watch him play w/ all the toys and 'try' them out for E & T...they want to be just like Sammy when they grow up :-)