It was a crappy day.
It started out with me going to the Ortho Doc to see about my foot and found out it would require surgery to get the metal out – boo!
Then we get home and Sam wants to eat dinner on the deck – ok sure! After about 10 mins he decides it’s too hot and wants to go in….when he tries to open the door – its locked! Crap! The handle is such that its always unlocked from the inside (even when its locked) so you don’t realize it until you try to come back in). So I went around front to get the key from the lock box …. But…. I couldn’t get the code to work. I went next door to Jay’s house and he was on a conference call but said he would be over in a minute. We went back to the house and kept trying. Still wouldn’t work. Jay is checking windows and then I hear crying – I turn around and Sam is laying onto of Hannah (face down) and they are both on the concrete sidewalk. I run to Hannah and blood is everywhere. I look at Jay and say “yeah I need to use your house” By the time we walk across the street Hannah’s outfit is covered in blood , as is mine and she is screaming bloody murder. It was her lip – and her top teeth – I think she may lose her top tooth. The bottom teeth went thru the bottom lip slightly and her chin was all scraped. I am contemplating taking her to the ER but then it finally stops bleeding. Sam is crying to cuz he scraped his knees – to be honest I was like “Big deal Sam, your sister is bleeding all over herself and ME!!!!” I didn’t say it but thought it…. Bad mom? Maybe….

Anyway – we get her to drink a little – I wanted to get some of the blood out her mouth. Jay calls Mark and finds out I had the wrong code so we go back to the house and he lets us in. Hannah is still crying and neither of them has eaten yet. She won’t calm down….my foot hurts….Sam is whining….Piper wants her dinner….. Calgon take me away!!!!
Hannah really needed a bath to get the blood off of her and hoped it would calm her down so we headed upstairs. As soon as her feet hit the tub she was happy! She loves to drink water from the faucet and when she leaned in I cringed since her lip was all bloody and cracked but it didn’t bother her too much because she did it a few times. I was able to get her nice and clean too =)
After the bath I gave her plain pasta (was afraid anything with salt would burn) and some cheese – she gobbled it up. It was now 7pm, way past her bedtime – I took her upstairs and she pointed to her crib, she was exhausted too! I gave her Motrin but she still woke a few times thru the night – I think it hurts to suck on her paci. This morning her lip was more swollen but she was in good spirits.
What a day……
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