I cannot stand the word stupid.... It never bothered me until Sam started to use it all the time. Everything is stupid. If he gets mad he says "stupid!" If he gets hurt "stupid!"
drives me batty!
Sam: Mommy what is this?
Me: Huh?
Sam:Why do you always say that?
Me: Say what?
Sam: huh
Me: What would you like me to say?
Sam: say "yes Sam?"
Me: Ok , sorry yes Sam?
Me: Hey, why do you always say stupid?
Sam: I say stupid when I get mad or get hurt
Me: Why?
Sam: You say stupid
Me: umm no I dont
Sam: yes you do. In the car. You call the car in front of you stupid
Me....uh-oh guilty!
Sam: You should say "hey you car, please move!"
Me: You're right - I wont say stupid anymore
Sam: Yeah, stupid isnt a nice word
Love it. He is so smart.....