Wednesday, January 26, 2011


When I woke up this morning I walked into the bathroom to take a shower and saw this:

Your probably wondering what that is.... its the skylight in the bathroom and its covered in snow!!!  The snow wasnt suppose to start untl later in the morning.  I look outside and its snowing hard and we already have a good inch on the ground.  I decide to stay home and make it a snow day!

Of course a snow day wouldnt be complete without some yummy snow cream!

The snow continued until noon -got a good 4 inches on the ground.   Around 4pm it started to sleet - ugh!  Three hours of sleet and its back to snow again - its 10pm now and we have another 4-5 inches already - Mark is snow blowing at the moment - haha - probably making some of the neighbors mad....

I imagine we will have another snow day tomorrow!

It sure is pretty though!

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