I am special, as special as can be.
No one in the world is just like me!
There are two little eyes to open and close.
There are two little ears and one little nose.
There are two little lips and a tounge shut in.
There are two little cheeks and one little chin.
There are two little arms and elbows neat.
There are two little shoes on two little feet.
There are two little shoulders stout and strong.
There are two little hands busy all day long.
This is my hand,
My hand will do
A thousand loving things for you.
And you will remember
When I am tall
That once my hand
Was just this small.
What I like to do at Schoool! Pretend to fix things with tools!
Push the cars and trucks around. Read books.
Foods I like to eat at lunch - I love this pic of Sammy - it was Midieval day and they had crackers with jam and he has jam on his face - too cute!
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