I have baby fever! I haven’t had it before – the first year was WAY to hectic and sleepless for me to ever want any more kids – I probably said a million times that Sam would be an only child. I was serious! There was no way I was going thru that newborn stage again – I didn’t like it all. 9-12 months was a blast but 12-18 was even better and now at 19 months I think 18-24 will be even more fun! The talking, the running, the logic he is forming, how he says please when he wants something and then says uh-oh when something falls. Oh such a sweet time! Maybe it’s because things are so great right now that I can finally comprehend maybe having another baby. I do think it will be much easier the next time around since I am no longer a “newbie” mom! I was just sitting here at work thinking how I miss being pregnant and would love a new little bundle to hold – Sam would be an awesome big brother! Even the boys have been asking when we are having another baby. Alas, the timing just isn’t right…. Yet! We do want another child but we plan on waiting until Sam turns 2 – I think 3 yrs between kids would be ideal for me – especially if Sam is potty trained when baby #2 comes along - that would be in a perfect world. So for now I will just reminisce with these sweet pics of my Sammy
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Happy Birthday Piper!
My "baby" turns 9 years old today! Wow! Where has the time gone??? I dont think I had a digital camera back then so I had to take pictures of my pictures - LOL - anyway that is why they may look funny - just a little stroll down memory lane of my sweet dog's life!
Piper loved to hang out under the deck! This is the house I lived in when I got her and she would go under there all the time - drove me crazy cuz I couldnt reach her to get her out- but this pic has always been a favorite!!!
One of our many hiking trips back in the day!
And that leads us to today! Here she is with her birthday hat!
And a birthday hug from Sam!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Day 5
Day 5 of what you ask?
Last Friday I decided I had been eating way too much crap! So I put myself on a 7 day sweet detox! For 7 days I cant eat any sweets - no cookies, no cake, no candy - its only 7 days - I CAN DO THIS!
Its been hard!!!!
I keep jelly beans in the house for Sam - he loves them and asks for a "jelly" - I give him 2 per day - dont judge =) Anyway after he went to bed friday night I thought well maybe just ONE - then I thought, NO!!! You cant have any - dont do it and I didnt. I ate Rice Krispies instead =)
Saturday was ok and then Sunday was hard again - I was at the Vera Bradley tea and they had so many yummy desserts - ugh!!
Monday was ok and then today its Will's birthday so we have an oreo cake - OMG this is the yummiest cake - I have had it before - and a cheesecake with fresh strawberries - I hurriedly made my coffee and left the kitchen.
Only a few days left......only a few days left.....
Last Friday I decided I had been eating way too much crap! So I put myself on a 7 day sweet detox! For 7 days I cant eat any sweets - no cookies, no cake, no candy - its only 7 days - I CAN DO THIS!
Its been hard!!!!
I keep jelly beans in the house for Sam - he loves them and asks for a "jelly" - I give him 2 per day - dont judge =) Anyway after he went to bed friday night I thought well maybe just ONE - then I thought, NO!!! You cant have any - dont do it and I didnt. I ate Rice Krispies instead =)
Saturday was ok and then Sunday was hard again - I was at the Vera Bradley tea and they had so many yummy desserts - ugh!!
Monday was ok and then today its Will's birthday so we have an oreo cake - OMG this is the yummiest cake - I have had it before - and a cheesecake with fresh strawberries - I hurriedly made my coffee and left the kitchen.
Only a few days left......only a few days left.....
Monday, April 26, 2010
Rice Krispies!

After making these for Earth Day I now have a huge box of rice krispies left over. A few nights ago I wanted a snack before bed and I thought - hmmm.... maybe a bowl of rice krispies! OMG it was so good!!! I forgot how yummy they were. I have had a bowl every night for the past 5 nights! I even gave Sam a bowl tonight and he loved them too - although plenty of his ended up on the floor! hahaha
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Weekend projects and happenings
It was a fun filled weekend! We got a lot done and here are the pics to prove it =)

After a little paint on the chair and the pot that I already had we have this:

I love how it turned out. The only bad part is that Sam seems to think this is HIS chair so 3 times he went over and knocked the plant off so he could sit down - ugh - it was cute the first time but not the others =)
For the frame I spray painted it black then attached some paper to the front - I put in a pic from our wedding day - ahhh.... we look so young..... and we get this:

I thought Saturday would be a wash but the rain held off and it was beautiful!!!! Sam and I spent most of the day outside playing with rocks, watching ants, looking for the bunnies (they left the nest) and watching the kids fish in the creek. After Zac's game on Saturday he came down for he night.
Sam I took a walk Saturday afternoon and he actually kept his glasses on for once - the sun was bright - he looks so cool in this pic =)

There are 2 projects in this first pic - the slide and the tree. The tree on the far left is dead so we decided to chop it down and Mark will be making a tree house for Sam to use when he gets older - The slide will eventually be part of the tree house but I got a really good deal on that off Craigslist so we picked it up - Currently it sits on the hammock stand - it looks funny but Sam loves that slide!!! He goes down on his butt and his tummy =)

Sam helping Daddy get ready

Now its time to cut down the tree! Here is Mark with his chainsaw up on the ladder - is that an OSHA violation?? haha

Upstairs in Josh's room we were taking pictures and Zac was video taping it - Here is Sam and Zac by the window

Apparently Piper wanted to see what was going on too so when Sam got down Piper jumped up - haha
Here are a few pics of the tree coming down

Zac helped Mark cut the tree up for fire wood

Sunday it rained all day - blah! Which means we had to keep Sam entertained inside - he must have asked 100 times if he could go outside =)
I however had a Vera Bradley tea to go to so I left Sam with Mark and Zac and headed out. The event was a benefit for the Nexus School (kids with aspergers and autism) and I work with a girl who's son goes there. The event consisted of door prizes, raffles, and bingo! Man, I cant remember the last time I played bingo!
I ended up winning a bag!!!! Yay!!! Here it is - its a summer tote and came with matching flip flops (my size!) and a beach towel. - Love it!
I stopped at Goodwill on my way home because another blog I follow finds all these cool things at hers and then she refinishes them and they look amazing - well apparently rich people live where she does cuz our Goodwill was horrible!!!! I saw this cute little chair and figured I could use it on my deck as a plant holder and this frame could be cute if I painted it and added some paper to the front - so I gave them my $3 and went out the door!

I love how it turned out. The only bad part is that Sam seems to think this is HIS chair so 3 times he went over and knocked the plant off so he could sit down - ugh - it was cute the first time but not the others =)
For the frame I spray painted it black then attached some paper to the front - I put in a pic from our wedding day - ahhh.... we look so young..... and we get this:

I thought Saturday would be a wash but the rain held off and it was beautiful!!!! Sam and I spent most of the day outside playing with rocks, watching ants, looking for the bunnies (they left the nest) and watching the kids fish in the creek. After Zac's game on Saturday he came down for he night.
Sam I took a walk Saturday afternoon and he actually kept his glasses on for once - the sun was bright - he looks so cool in this pic =)

There are 2 projects in this first pic - the slide and the tree. The tree on the far left is dead so we decided to chop it down and Mark will be making a tree house for Sam to use when he gets older - The slide will eventually be part of the tree house but I got a really good deal on that off Craigslist so we picked it up - Currently it sits on the hammock stand - it looks funny but Sam loves that slide!!! He goes down on his butt and his tummy =)

Sam helping Daddy get ready

Now its time to cut down the tree! Here is Mark with his chainsaw up on the ladder - is that an OSHA violation?? haha

Upstairs in Josh's room we were taking pictures and Zac was video taping it - Here is Sam and Zac by the window

Apparently Piper wanted to see what was going on too so when Sam got down Piper jumped up - haha

Zac helped Mark cut the tree up for fire wood

That night we started to burn the wood in a fire pit - Billy and Sean came over and they all made smores - it was a beautiful night - a little cool with a warm fire - ahhhhh great way to end the day~

Sunday it rained all day - blah! Which means we had to keep Sam entertained inside - he must have asked 100 times if he could go outside =)
I however had a Vera Bradley tea to go to so I left Sam with Mark and Zac and headed out. The event was a benefit for the Nexus School (kids with aspergers and autism) and I work with a girl who's son goes there. The event consisted of door prizes, raffles, and bingo! Man, I cant remember the last time I played bingo!
I ended up winning a bag!!!! Yay!!! Here it is - its a summer tote and came with matching flip flops (my size!) and a beach towel. - Love it!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Sam pooped on the potty! Twice!
Last night Sam was in the tub and he was crouched down - I got worried cuz he has had his fair share of pooping in the bath - yuck! So I asked if he was pooping and he said "uh huh" so I picked him up and put him on the big potty and he pooped! yes! I cleaned him up then back in the tub. At the end of the bath the water was all gone and he was just playing and the same thing happened - and he pooped in the potty again! hahaha
So, I know he didnt go on his own or anything but still - he wasn't afraid or anything (Like the first time Mark put him on the potty a few months ago - lol)
I am still dreaming that he will be easy to Potty Train - he loves the toilet and toilet paper and he tells me when he pees and he points to my nether regions and says "pee pee" hahahahaha
Every time I see him "grunting" I ask him " are you pooping" and he always says uh-huh - its so cute! I am hoping that by him knowing when he goes he may be able to catch himself before hand - oh well... time will tell! =)
So, I know he didnt go on his own or anything but still - he wasn't afraid or anything (Like the first time Mark put him on the potty a few months ago - lol)
I am still dreaming that he will be easy to Potty Train - he loves the toilet and toilet paper and he tells me when he pees and he points to my nether regions and says "pee pee" hahahahaha
Every time I see him "grunting" I ask him " are you pooping" and he always says uh-huh - its so cute! I am hoping that by him knowing when he goes he may be able to catch himself before hand - oh well... time will tell! =)
Baby Legs!
More babies!
All the wildlife must be having their babies!! Tonight I saw 4 baby squirrles in the tree - so cute! They were having so much time running around up there - i snagged some pics but you may not be able to see them - they are small!

And of course they kept Piper occupied - she waited and waited by that tree just waiting for them to come down!

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