I admit I am frugal. I watch for sales and clip coupons – I wasn’t always this way but money is tight these days with 2 mortgages, child support for the boys, 1 in daycare and your everyday bills – it adds up quick! One friend of mine, I will leave her unnamed- haha – wont sign up for free samples cuz she doesn’t like to give out her email address – I signed up for a yahoo account specifically for snagging free samples and my internet shopping – that way I never get spam on my home email account =)
I have gotten TONS of free stuff in the mail… pampers, huggies, razors, shampoo, energy bars, lotion….etc etc etc
I was quite proud of myself when I stacked manufacturer coupons with store coupons and rebate checks – I ended up getting everything below FREE and I actually made a few bucks too – here’s the breakdown:
Free Banquet Meal - Zac likes these - I added some parm cheese and melt it and its just like chic parm! Free Digiorno 200 calorie pizza -yum! Had it for lunch yesterday-

Free Connect Four - On sale at Target for $7 - I used a $4 manufacturer coupon and a $3 target coupon - - the guy at target was amazed when this rang up - his mouth dropped! haha final price: FREE

Free Rimmel Mascara and Free Tuna snacks - mark likes to put these in his salad

This was my best deal - I actually MADE money! Olay wash was on sale for $5.50 each - when you buy 3 you get a $5 target gift card - so I spent $16.50 and got a $5 gift card - then I had a $15 Mail in rebate for the wash - so.... when all was said and done I got 3 free Olay body wash AND got $3.50 on a Target gift card - woo-hoo!!!

I already have my sights on some free contact solution for Mark and sunblock this week - will post my great deals when I get them =)
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