Do you ever watch the show House? If not, its about a doctor who figures out all these medical mysteries - a few weeks ago a guy got really sick and eventually they found a bunch of worms living inside his stomach - they removed them all and then he got sicker! Turns out when he was a child he was too protected and was never in the dirt, around dust, anything and his body made these worms to protect his immune system. Anyway, Sam wont have that problem - he ate some dirt this morning....

I have learned by now when Sam is sitting quietly he is eating something he shouldnt be..... such as dog food and an eraser (to name a few). So, I walk out of the closet and Sam is sitting by the wall near the office area. I see him sitting quietly and notice he is slightly chewing so I go over and do the finger swipe and OMG brown stuff! My immediate thought was please dont let that be dog poop! I smelled it, whew! its not poop! Then it dribbled down his face -yuck! Mark was still home so he picked up Sam and took him the bathroom - when I washed my hands I realized it was dirt. I looked for more on the floor and dint see any - I guess a small piece must have come off one of our shoes or maybe Piper had a piece in her paw.
Anyway, it was bound to happen right?
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