I heard this term the other day on another website I visit and laughed – yep, that’s Sam – my little raccoon! He likes to open any and every drawer or cabinet and remove all its contents one by one. In the bathroom he likes to pull out my blow dryer and straightener – then he proceeds to the cabinet and gets the band-aids, and the Listerine, and marks hair brush (he likes to brush his hair), then he moves to the office area where he pulls all the books off the shelf. When he puts things back they are never in the right place and I have to search all the drawers when I need something.

In the living room he opens the drawers on the side tables and pulls out the remotes and papers and coasters – he LOVES remotes – I even bought him a “toy” remote but nope, he prefers the real thing!
In the kitchen he opens the corner cabinet with the lazy susan – he pulls out the K-cups for my Keurig and plays with them until he gets bored then he moves on to piper’s drawer – he pulls out all her treats, her brush, her nail clippers, and her bowls – he then proceeds to brush his hair with pipers brush – haha – next he moves to his drawer that has all his toys and usually pulls out sophie the giraffe and a few books and teethers then moves on to the next room.
Pre-baby this would have driven me crazy! But I think its cute and funny when Sammy does it
Authors note: Don’t worry, I am not a bad mommy, Sam is fully supervised as he explores the cabinets and he is not harmed while acting like a raccoon - lol - however, I will be installing cabinet locks in the kitchen this weekend since we keep cleaners under the sink