Ok so this one is going in the baby book! Yes, mama and dada are real words but to me they dont count! lol
He *might* have said more before but it was a push - heehee
Sam is doing great with his signing but hasnt had any big words come out..... until now~

Yesterday we were in the kitchen and I was holding him - we walked past the counter and he put out his hand and said "nanas" - I looked and there were the bananas! I said yes! bananas! Then I walk away and he screams "nanas, nanas, nanas"!!! So I gave in and gave him half of one - I try to be careful with them so he doesnt get constipated! The rest of the day every time he saw them he pointed and said nanas and cried until he got a bite! So, the bananas are now hidden in the cabinet.... =)
Yay for first words!
Just wait until he learns "mine" - that was my younger cousin's favorite! I was always partial to "see" and "Bob" (he's my uncle) myself...