Sam's new thing is opening his dresser drawer and pulling out all his clothes - I guess he thinks its fun - yeah, lots of fun for me to re-fold and put back all his clothes - LOL
In our bathroom he crawls over to the dirty clothes basket and pulls out the dirty laundry too - he flung my underwear half-way across the bathroom this morning...
Then he crawls over to the toilet.... now I know why they make toilet locks! I put my foot on the toilet so instead he grabs the toilet paper - and what fun that is to unroll and break off into tiny little pieces.... yes, its cute and funny but the clean freak in me is well.... freaking out!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Worry Wart!
When we choose to be parents, we accept another human being as part of ourselves, and a large part of our emotional selves will stay with that person as long as we live. From that time on, there will be another person on this earth whose orbit around us will affect us as surely as the moon affects the tides, and affect us in some ways more deeply than anyone else can. Our children are extensions of ourselves.-- Fred Rogers
It never ends does it?
The older Sam gets the more I worry about him.
He is eating enough?
Is he eating too much?
Is he nursing enough?
Is he drinking enough water with lunch?
How are his poops? lol
Is he hot?
Is he cold?
Is he tired?
Does he hurt?
Is he happy?
Is he sad?
Is he having fun?
Should I sing more?
Should I snuggle with him or let him down to play?
Should I catch him when he falls or let him fall so he learns to get back up?
Should I run to him when he cries at night or wait and see if he settles on his own?
Some nights I lay in bed and wonder what he will be like when he is older
Will he make friends easy?
Will he still be cute as a button?
Will he be short? Haha
Will he have tantrums in the middle of the grocery store??? Oh geez! I hope not!
Will he cry when I tell him no?
Will he hate me at some point in his life?
I know I have no control over what happens but I cant help but worry about him. I love him so much and I think that is why I worry. I want him to have this perfect little life and I will do everything I can to makes sure he grows up happy, healthy, and secure in who he is.
This is my promise to you:
I will let you grow in your own way. I will let you make your own decisions. I will let you fall, but will be there to pick you up. I will let you be disappointed, but will be there to lend an ear. I will hold your hand when you need me to and let go when you don’t. I will be there with advice when you ask. I will back off when you need to be alone. I will be your friend, but your mom first. I will teach you to ride a bike, how to bake cookies and how to fold a fitted sheet. I will teach you about respect and God and how to be honest. I will teach you to drive a car and how to parallel park. I will tell you I love you every single day and kiss you goodnight each and every night. I will read to you, help you with homework and science projects. I will play in the rain with you and let you lick the spoon when baking a cake. I will cheer you on if you play sports and will watch your concert if you decide to play an instrument. I will teach you about the world around you, how to care for pets, and how to tie your shoes. I will let you be you and try not to to be a pushy mom. My love for you is unconditional – no matter what you do, say, or where you are, I will always love you. You are my child, my soul, my everything.
It never ends does it?
The older Sam gets the more I worry about him.
He is eating enough?
Is he eating too much?
Is he nursing enough?
Is he drinking enough water with lunch?
How are his poops? lol
Is he hot?
Is he cold?
Is he tired?
Does he hurt?
Is he happy?
Is he sad?
Is he having fun?
Should I sing more?
Should I snuggle with him or let him down to play?
Should I catch him when he falls or let him fall so he learns to get back up?
Should I run to him when he cries at night or wait and see if he settles on his own?
Some nights I lay in bed and wonder what he will be like when he is older
Will he make friends easy?
Will he still be cute as a button?
Will he be short? Haha
Will he have tantrums in the middle of the grocery store??? Oh geez! I hope not!
Will he cry when I tell him no?
Will he hate me at some point in his life?
I know I have no control over what happens but I cant help but worry about him. I love him so much and I think that is why I worry. I want him to have this perfect little life and I will do everything I can to makes sure he grows up happy, healthy, and secure in who he is.
This is my promise to you:
I will let you grow in your own way. I will let you make your own decisions. I will let you fall, but will be there to pick you up. I will let you be disappointed, but will be there to lend an ear. I will hold your hand when you need me to and let go when you don’t. I will be there with advice when you ask. I will back off when you need to be alone. I will be your friend, but your mom first. I will teach you to ride a bike, how to bake cookies and how to fold a fitted sheet. I will teach you about respect and God and how to be honest. I will teach you to drive a car and how to parallel park. I will tell you I love you every single day and kiss you goodnight each and every night. I will read to you, help you with homework and science projects. I will play in the rain with you and let you lick the spoon when baking a cake. I will cheer you on if you play sports and will watch your concert if you decide to play an instrument. I will teach you about the world around you, how to care for pets, and how to tie your shoes. I will let you be you and try not to to be a pushy mom. My love for you is unconditional – no matter what you do, say, or where you are, I will always love you. You are my child, my soul, my everything.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Who's afraid of the vacuum?
I was reading about all the fun times ahead when Sam turns 1 and they say that lots of kids get scared at that age of loud noises such as the vacuum..... not my Sammy.... he chases it!
Haluski! YUM!
My mom and Grandma are in town this weekend while Mark is out doing the 9/11 Memorial Bike Ride. I decided I would attempt to make Haluski. Its so easy and yummy - just cabbage and dough! Mark's cousin Marcia makes this stuff and it disappears in seconds!
First you cut up the cabbage and throw in a pan with a TON of butter!

Then you let it fry so it gets nice and brown - add salt and pepper along the way

Next its time for the dough - you mix 2 cups flour, 1 egg and 1 cup of milk then put it in a spatzel maker over boiling water.

Let the dough cook for 3-5 minutes
First you cut up the cabbage and throw in a pan with a TON of butter!

Then you let it fry so it gets nice and brown - add salt and pepper along the way

Next its time for the dough - you mix 2 cups flour, 1 egg and 1 cup of milk then put it in a spatzel maker over boiling water.

Let the dough cook for 3-5 minutes
So yummy and so easy!
Now, I did have to use dairy free margarine in leui of butter and coconut milk vice cow milk (since we are on the milk free diet) but amazingly enough it was still yummy - not AS yummy as when its made with butter but still good! My mom couldnt stop eating it =)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Dairy Free is a crock!
Did you know that dairy free whipped topping has milk in it??
Did you know that dairy free creamer has milk in it??
Dairy is everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh!!!!!!!!!!!
….. end rant
Did you know that dairy free creamer has milk in it??
Dairy is everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh!!!!!!!!!!!
….. end rant
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Me, Sam, and TED!
Sam and I are on a TED for milk – that is Total Elimination Diet for you non-acroynm folks out there – lol
At 6 months I introduced yogurt and Sam loved it! He gobbled it up but then I noticed a small rash on his chin…it went away after 30 mins. The next day we tried again, same thing. Hmmm…. so day 3 we tried and this time he got hives on his chin, and face! Grrrr!
I mention this to the ped and they said to hold off on dairy for now but we could try cheese at 9 months.
Around 9 months or so I was eating some cheese filled tortolenni and was being careful not to give him any cheese , next thing you know he got hives on his face- dag! Must have had some cheese! Around 10 months I decided to try some gerber cheese crackers and once again hives! Ok, so, no cheese, no yogurt! A few days later I gave him a wagon wheel to chew on (hard cracker like snack) and his upper lip swelled – scary! I checked the ingredients and there was milk in them!
I read that if you TOTALLY eliminate dairy and there is an allergy that the child MAY grow out of it. We cant get in to see the allergist until October so I figured we would try this on our own and see what happens. Sam has had a constant runny nose and small rash on his shoulders and I cant help but think its milk related.
Sunday we started a milk TED!
I went to Whole Foods and got some pancakes and blueberry muffins and fruit bars (all dairy free) for Sam’s breakfast.
I picked up some coconut milk for me to use when cooking/baking (hahaha, yeah right, me cook?) ok so I got it for my coffee and I also got some ice cream made with coconut milk – that is yummy!!!! The coconut milk in the coffee is ok but I miss my International Delights French vanilla creamer =( I also got Sam some yogurt made with coconut milk – he loves it!!!
It’s amazing how much stuff contains milk! I have to check all ingredients carefully as milk is also called whey and casein – makes grocery shopping much longer! Today I snagged a soft pretzel at daycare figuring its flour water and salt right? I eat half then stop and wait to get to work to finish it – I check the ingredients online and contains sodium cassinate – MILK! WTH???? Pretzel goes in the trash and now I have milk in me – grrrr!
Everything in the vending machine has milk!
Did you know most breads contain milk? So that means no more fast food since the buns probably have milk (that is probably a good thing!)
I was going to have a biscuit on Sunday – nope, has milk!
Not eating stuff with milk is hard!
It takes 2-3 weeks to get milk out of your system and to notice any changes – wish us luck – its gonna be a long 3 weeks!
At 6 months I introduced yogurt and Sam loved it! He gobbled it up but then I noticed a small rash on his chin…it went away after 30 mins. The next day we tried again, same thing. Hmmm…. so day 3 we tried and this time he got hives on his chin, and face! Grrrr!
I mention this to the ped and they said to hold off on dairy for now but we could try cheese at 9 months.
Around 9 months or so I was eating some cheese filled tortolenni and was being careful not to give him any cheese , next thing you know he got hives on his face- dag! Must have had some cheese! Around 10 months I decided to try some gerber cheese crackers and once again hives! Ok, so, no cheese, no yogurt! A few days later I gave him a wagon wheel to chew on (hard cracker like snack) and his upper lip swelled – scary! I checked the ingredients and there was milk in them!
I read that if you TOTALLY eliminate dairy and there is an allergy that the child MAY grow out of it. We cant get in to see the allergist until October so I figured we would try this on our own and see what happens. Sam has had a constant runny nose and small rash on his shoulders and I cant help but think its milk related.
Sunday we started a milk TED!
I went to Whole Foods and got some pancakes and blueberry muffins and fruit bars (all dairy free) for Sam’s breakfast.
I picked up some coconut milk for me to use when cooking/baking (hahaha, yeah right, me cook?) ok so I got it for my coffee and I also got some ice cream made with coconut milk – that is yummy!!!! The coconut milk in the coffee is ok but I miss my International Delights French vanilla creamer =( I also got Sam some yogurt made with coconut milk – he loves it!!!
It’s amazing how much stuff contains milk! I have to check all ingredients carefully as milk is also called whey and casein – makes grocery shopping much longer! Today I snagged a soft pretzel at daycare figuring its flour water and salt right? I eat half then stop and wait to get to work to finish it – I check the ingredients online and contains sodium cassinate – MILK! WTH???? Pretzel goes in the trash and now I have milk in me – grrrr!
Everything in the vending machine has milk!
Did you know most breads contain milk? So that means no more fast food since the buns probably have milk (that is probably a good thing!)
I was going to have a biscuit on Sunday – nope, has milk!
Not eating stuff with milk is hard!
It takes 2-3 weeks to get milk out of your system and to notice any changes – wish us luck – its gonna be a long 3 weeks!
Friday, August 14, 2009
I was leaving daycare today and Miss Stephanie waved bye to Sam and he waved back!!!! It took me by surprise and was very cute! This is such a fun age - he is learning so much stuff!

Zac and Josh are enjoying their last few weeks of summer vacation - they go back before Labor Day this year! We have them here until next Wednesday when Mark leaves for the 9/11 Bike ride.
Thats all for now! Not much going on these days....
Monday, August 3, 2009
Got Water?
Yesterday we had a MAJOR HEAVY storm!!! Poured and poured! It stopped so me, Tami, and Nate ran to target - while we were inside it started again - ugh! After waiting 10-15 mins we decided to just get wet and ran to the car - As we pulled into the driveway Tami said "OMG look at your backyard"!!

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