Its Christmas so naturally this will be a picture heavy post!
Sam was super excited and I don't think Hannah knew what was going on- ha!
Christmas Eve I let the kids exchange gifts with each other.
Sam had Mark draw Aerial and then Sam colored it in for her - he put it inside the Frozen chest Hannah has below
Hannah got Sam a Marble Race game
Annual Christmas pj pciture =)
Sam set out a nutcracker and peanuts for Santa along with cookies and water.
In the cooler he left carrots and celery for the reindeer.
The food for the reindeer is in the cooler - carrots and celery |
And check this out!!!! One of the eleves used our camera and got a picture of
Santa leaving the gifts -how cool!!!!
Christmas Morning the kids woke bright and early and we headed downstairs to check out what
Santa brought!
Breakfast was snowmen donuts
Hannah loved her Elsa doll
Sam had been asking for the Lego Star Wars AT-AT forever!!
He opened all his gifts so nicely this year and when he got a small lego set he said "well at least I got some legos right mommy?"
Hidden in the back was the AT-AT.
He was so surprised and excited!!!!
"I knew it - I knew Santa would bring it"
Then we headed to MD to see my mom and siblings
These 2 are getting so big!! Our annual "twin" picture
All the cousins - its ALWAYS my kid that wont cooperate -ha!
Hannah loves her cousin Hailey!
The next day we had a campfire
As you can see below only 1 kid smiles at a time!
Hannah chiilin by the fire
The next day was gorgeous so we headed to the park!
Later that day Michelle brought over a few of her kids and we had another fire
See how much Hannah loves her
This was from Christmas day -playing with fake snow
So that was our Christmas!
Hope yours was fabulous too!