Sam Wham Bam Jam
Bacon Boy
Chocolate Kid
Whatever you call him I just love wrapping my arms around this kid and giving him a huge hug. He always laughs –so I hug harder – and he laughs harder. Then I kiss him and he wipes them all away. Subsequently he taught Hannah to do this so now she wipes all my kisses away too! Boo!
Mark says he is a lot like me – not sure if I should be offended or flattered??
He is a smart kid – and already at 4.5 yrs old is very knowledgeable of his little world around him.
I need to start watching what I say around him.
Sam: Can I have xxx
(I cant remember what he was asking for)
Me: I don’t care
Sam: What does I don’t care mean
Me: It means yes, fine, have it, I don’t care
Sam: ok
----A few weeks later---
Sam: Can I have xxx
(cant remember what he asked for this time either - ha!)
Me: I don’t care
Sam: oh that means yes
Me: Oh wait. I do care
Sam: Nope you said you don’t care and that means yes!
Me: I changed my mind – I care – I really do
Sam: nope too late!
Me: lol
I can only get him to smile when its HIS idea to take a pic. For example I wanted to get a pic of Hannah wearing my shoes but then Sam decided I should take a pic of him and her – ok that’s great!
After I still want a pic of just Hannah but Sam likes to be the center of attention as you can see here
I got this smile when the kids had popcorn and kit-kats for dinner one night
Don’t worry – they had chicken for their “snack” before bed.
I love you buddy - even if you are just like your mom =)