If we were to sit down for coffee this week I would have a ton to share with you! First I would thank you for meeting with me – I haven’t seen you in forever!
Then I would tell you about my car. It wasn’t my fault – I was distracted – I was backing out of the garage and BAM! Hit the mirror ….. Then I hit the side panel – OMG!!!! I was beyond mad! I got out of the car and then Sam got upset because I was upset. I had to get to work so I just left. I called Mark, crying. I just wrecked the car! Told him we were fine but the garage and car were not. I was able to push the mirror in enough so it wouldn’t flop as I drove but as soon as I opened/closed the door it would flop off again. When we got to Sam’s school and I got out of the car it fell off and Sam shouted “I will fix it! I will fix it!”. So he gets out and walks over and inspects it… then in his little 3yr old voice says “Mommy, I think you need a screw!” Can you tell he spends lots of time in the garage with his daddy?

Then I would tell you how much I am loving this weather – lots of outside time – love it!
I would share that my little peanut is finally starting to sleep thru the night at 13 months! I swore when she turned 12 months I would night wean her but I just couldn’t do it…. If she wanted to wake and eat/snuggle then I was going to let her do it. I have also been making sure she really fills up on solids in the evening – so she nurses, eats a snack, has dinner, nurses, has a snack, then nurses – all in about 3 hours.
I would then tell you that I have such mixed feelings on never having any more kids. I always wanted three…. I can’t believe I will never be pregnant again and feel a little one kick inside my tummy. No more bottles, swaddles, or tummy time. But I am also so excited to get on with the next chapter of our lives. It has been nice getting rid of the “baby” stuff since we won’t ever need it again but its bittersweet knowing that I won’t ever need it again…. Ya know? And usually by the end of the night after the kids are in bed and the house is clean and everything is ready for the next day I am so happy I won’t have any more kids…lol….not sure if I could really handle anymore. But in the end I think I will always both smile and feel a little sad when I see a pregnant girl but that’s just life, right?! I am hoping Zac gets married and has babies sooner than later - heehee
Oh and I have to tell you we finally got our driveway paved – woo-hoo! I think it was 20 yrs old – such bad shape! Sam rode his bike on the new driveway the other day and it was a nice smooth ride! Then we got the back patio re-done and it looks great! That too was falling apart but now it’s such a wonderful place to sit – love these changes we made!
I would tell you my new favorite indulgence is Greek vanilla yogurt with honey – so delish!
Then I would ask what you have been up to and drink my coffee while I listened to you tell me about your crazy life!
Thanks for having coffee – we should do this again soon!