Dear Michelle,
I cant believe you did this FOUR times!!!!! Oh wait, so did my mom..... and Mark's mom..... and Mark's sister...... wow, kuddos to you....
Last night at 1am I started having contractions 8 mins apart - the OB had told me to wait until they were 5 mins apart to go to the hospital though - I went downstairs and got some water and tried to rest on the couch. They kept coming though.... it wasnt what I was expecting though - they felt like menstrual cramps - for the next 2 hours I had them - btwn 4 and 8 mins long. I had my cell phone in my habd ready to call the OB and see what I should do but all I kept thinking of is "this isnt part of the plan!"
You see with the "plan" I would have been cleanly showered - lol..... my mom would have been here to take care of Sam..... piper would of had her bath (which she is getting today) and Mark and I would have had a very nice dinner alone the day before..... so I held off on calling - luckily after 2 hours they stopped - thank goodness!!
Ugh..... I really hope she hangs in there a few more days
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Where did my sweet potato go?
I was getting ready to slice up the sweet potato and put it in the oven but when I turned around it was gone.....
Where did it go???
Oh there it is.....
He kept saying "eat it raw" "eat it raw" - he gets that from his dad who also eats raw potato - yuck!
Where did it go???
Oh there it is.....
He kept saying "eat it raw" "eat it raw" - he gets that from his dad who also eats raw potato - yuck!
The family that eats (cadbury creme eggs) together stays together!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Getting ready for the baby!
Today I am 38 weeks:
As mentioned before I havent been this preg before - apparently after week 37 things just plain suck! I am not sleeping well at all in the bed - the couch is ok some nights.... And I am having horrible Sciatica pain that radiates in my butt down my legs - both of them. Walking is painful. I had it ever so slightly with Sam but it would only last 30 mins or so - this time I have had it for 48 hours with no relief in sight. The OB says to massage the lower back and use heat but because of how the baby is postioned (on the sciatic nerve) there isnt much I can do.... ugh.....
This weekend we:
1) set-up the co-sleeper in our bedroom - Sam climbed into it......
2) set-up the swing in the living room - Sam likes to turn it on and off and push it REALLY fast!
3) set-up the pack-n-play in the living room - Sam likes to stand there peering inside shouting "Wake-up baby Hannah"
4) took out Hannah's muslin blankets and pacifiers (since Sam uses the same blankets and paci I got "girly" blankets and pink paci's to show him they were not his) - Sam likes to use Hannah's pacifier and Hannah's blanket - his arent so good anymore apparently
oh geez..... help me......
As mentioned before I havent been this preg before - apparently after week 37 things just plain suck! I am not sleeping well at all in the bed - the couch is ok some nights.... And I am having horrible Sciatica pain that radiates in my butt down my legs - both of them. Walking is painful. I had it ever so slightly with Sam but it would only last 30 mins or so - this time I have had it for 48 hours with no relief in sight. The OB says to massage the lower back and use heat but because of how the baby is postioned (on the sciatic nerve) there isnt much I can do.... ugh.....
This weekend we:
1) set-up the co-sleeper in our bedroom - Sam climbed into it......
2) set-up the swing in the living room - Sam likes to turn it on and off and push it REALLY fast!
3) set-up the pack-n-play in the living room - Sam likes to stand there peering inside shouting "Wake-up baby Hannah"
4) took out Hannah's muslin blankets and pacifiers (since Sam uses the same blankets and paci I got "girly" blankets and pink paci's to show him they were not his) - Sam likes to use Hannah's pacifier and Hannah's blanket - his arent so good anymore apparently
oh geez..... help me......
The snow has melted! Oh, wait.... its back!
Friday was gorgeous!! 65 degrees and all the snow melted!! Made for a muddy mess in the yard but wow was it nice! I even had the sun roof open on the car.... ahhhhh......
Then Monday we woke to this - didnt stick to the roads, just the grass
By the afternoon it melted though
Today I woke to this!
OMG! Come on!!! This time the roads were covered too and they had to plow.....
Where are you SPRING?????
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Not ready
After 6 mornings of Sam standing at his gate in the bedroom doorway at 5:45 screaming to be let out I decided that he just wasnt ready - or maybe I am just not ready - LOL - so last night we put the crib front back on. At bedtime Sam did ask where his big boy bed was and I told him he wasnt ready and we would try again later - he went to bed just great and this morning when he once again woke at 5:45am he stood up in the crib hanging over the side then laid down - no fussing or tears and happily stayed there until I got him at 6:30 - it was great =) If I werent pregnant I think I would just deal with it and push thru but since I am pregnant I just dont have it in me .... then again if I weren't preg I would have never made the transition anyway - ha!
Here's to hoping that in 6 months when we do move him it will be much easier....
Here's to hoping that in 6 months when we do move him it will be much easier....
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
37 weeks!
Put a fork in me…. I am done!
Sam was born at 37 weeks – so technically I was done being pregnant at this point – not this time – my OB wants me to go past 39 weeks – so 39 weeks and 3 days is the day – March 3rd – my morning sickness has returned – I am extremely exhausted and tired of yelling at Sam for acting like a 2 yr old – ya know, since he IS a 2 yr old =( The other day Sam said “Mommy no yell at Sammy” - I felt so bad! I told him if he listened mommy wouldn’t have to yell…. But once again he is 2 so he listens when its convenient for him….and I am way pregnant and not sleeping and tired, so I yell…. Its one big whirling dervish (mark's words - haha)
Sam was born at 37 weeks – so technically I was done being pregnant at this point – not this time – my OB wants me to go past 39 weeks – so 39 weeks and 3 days is the day – March 3rd – my morning sickness has returned – I am extremely exhausted and tired of yelling at Sam for acting like a 2 yr old – ya know, since he IS a 2 yr old =( The other day Sam said “Mommy no yell at Sammy” - I felt so bad! I told him if he listened mommy wouldn’t have to yell…. But once again he is 2 so he listens when its convenient for him….and I am way pregnant and not sleeping and tired, so I yell…. Its one big whirling dervish (mark's words - haha)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day!
I found these super cute Valentine's online and thought they would be perfect for Sam's class - you are suppose to use heart molds but I went with what I had and did circles =)
This is how they look when they came out of the oven
This is the finished Valentine - It says "Have a colorful Valentine's Day"!
Then I made cute little baskets for Sam's teachers - The tag says
"Miss Pam, I have a "crush" on you!
Will u b my Valentine?"
Then I added a red "Crush" soda, some candy and a candle that I added some V-day ribbon too!
And for the directors I just threw together some hershey kisses and used a printable I found online to attach the designs to the bottoms -
For Sam I got him a Tervis mug with some bubble gum (yes my 2 yr old LOVES gum!) along with a new book and of course a balloon!
Mark and Zac also got gum - like father, like son =)
His says:
"Daddy, I "chews" you to be my Valentine"
"Zac, I "chews" you to be my Valentine"
For his class party I made cupcakes - he doesnt look thrilled here but I tell you what - he must have given me 10 hugs and kisses while we made them - just out of the blue, sweet baby Sam kisses - loved it!
When they were cooked Sam asked for one and he said "Happy Birthday to Sammy?" haha He wanted me to sing to him - so I did. He smiled and laughed so hard - it was soo cute! When he was ready for bite 2 he said "Happy Birthday to Sammy again?" hahaha So, yep I sang again!
Sam had a super fun time at his party and here is all his Valentine's
And of course eating it all.... lol
For dinner I made Ranch Chicken, fresh baked bread and fresh spinach leaves with baby strawberries, sliced almonds and homemade poppy seed dressing.... yumm!
![]() |
ok, ok, so the bread was baked at Wegman's and the salad came from a bag.... I DID make the chicken =) |
Happy Valentine's Day!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Child Proofing
I always heard that once the child takes its first step its time to child proof the house! That wasnt the case for us - I wasnt ever really concerned with Sam getting into things - mainly I guess because he didnt have free range of the house so I always knew what he was up to. Even the fire place hearth didnt bother me, again cuz I was right there, always!
Until now..... Sam is just about 2.5 yrs old and OMG he is into EVERYTHING these days and he does have free range of the house (you know how fast a 2.5 yr old can run up the steps!!!!) Anyway - his newest thing is reaching into the knife drawer in the kitchen - YIKES! So Mark decided this was THE TIME TO CHILD PROOF!!! Its a pain for me but its better than Sam is safe!
So last night Sam goes to open one of the cabinets and exclaims "Its broke Mommy!" as he pulls on it - LOL - I tell him Daddy locked them so he stays safe - bless his heart he kept trying to open that drawer =)
Now to figure out the fire place - Sam LOVES to spin in circles and then falls down all dizzy - several times he has fallen really close to the fire place - ugh! He also likes to tug rope with Piper which means he goes flying across the room..... always something I tell ya =)
Until now..... Sam is just about 2.5 yrs old and OMG he is into EVERYTHING these days and he does have free range of the house (you know how fast a 2.5 yr old can run up the steps!!!!) Anyway - his newest thing is reaching into the knife drawer in the kitchen - YIKES! So Mark decided this was THE TIME TO CHILD PROOF!!! Its a pain for me but its better than Sam is safe!
So last night Sam goes to open one of the cabinets and exclaims "Its broke Mommy!" as he pulls on it - LOL - I tell him Daddy locked them so he stays safe - bless his heart he kept trying to open that drawer =)
Now to figure out the fire place - Sam LOVES to spin in circles and then falls down all dizzy - several times he has fallen really close to the fire place - ugh! He also likes to tug rope with Piper which means he goes flying across the room..... always something I tell ya =)
I see grass!
This winter we have had the "impossible to melt snow" - the cold temps keep it from melting and then it would snow again! This weekend it warmed up a little and I can see grass!!! This is the "path" that I had dug for piper during the deepest snow - I guess that is why it melted first:
Although this is what the front looks like - no grass to be seen here just yet!
Its suppose to be warm this week though so hopefully it will all melt! I am soo ready for Spring!!!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Baby Girl's boo-boo
Sam is obsessed with band-aids - when he gets a "boo-boo" he needs ice and then a band-aid. The other day the baby was kicking pretty hard and I said "ouch! Your sister just kicked me" He picked up my shirt to investigate and said "Baby Hannah has a boo-boo, need band aid mommy!" So I gave him one and he put on my tummy then said "all better" - too cute!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Painting fun!
Sam loves to paint! He would do it everyday if I let him - today he decided that it would be fun to paint his arm - good thing its a bath night =)
Crib to a toddler bed
Sam woke up at 5 am on Saturday and wouldn’t go back down so we got up – come 11am he was cranky so we snuggled on the couch and he quickly fell asleep – I carried him upstairs to put him in the crib and with my humongous 35 week belly in the way I dropped him trying to lay him down and he woke up – GRRRR!! Luckily I got him back down though =) Anyway at that moment I decided the crib is becoming a huge PITA! So after Sam’s nap I decide to turn the crib into a toddler bed (day bed) and we take off the front and attach the railing that covers half the front - When its up DS gets in the bed and is so excited - I can easily sit on the floor to rub his back now - which is awesome and I am super excited!
Until bed time comes....
He goes in at 8:30 and by 9:07pm I am telling Mark to put the crib front back on! He says no and instead covers up the rest of the bed with a board - so now the entire front is "covered" but its still low to the ground - which is nice for me.
So now he can’t get out which he did as soon as I left the room last night for about 50 times. He wasn’t happy about this board being there but finally goes to sleep.
Come nap time Sunday he decides the railing is low enough that he CAN climb over it..... so now we are dealing with him getting out again - he does this 5 times and again I tell Mark to put the crib front back on. Instead he sits in the rocker next to the crib and every time Sam gets up tells him to get back in the bed – he is unhappy about this, but finally falls alseep.
Sunday night Mark was at the neighbors watching the Super Bowl so I did bedtime - Same thing happened - he got out of bed over and over and over. The first 3 times I left his gate on the door open so he comes in my room all smiles and says "hi mommy!" I wish he wasnt so freakin cute cuz its hard to be mad - BUT after that I closed his gate - so now he gets up, turns off his noise machine then stands at the gate screaming. I went in and tried to rub his back but he just sits up in bed and gives me cheesy smiles and strokes my face - its really sweet but not at bedtime when mommy is tired - haha
I then try Mark’s approach and sat in the recliner and said "lay down" every time he got up. Finally I had enough and I told Sam to STAY IN BED and I was going to call Daddy - I left the room and went downstairs to text him - I could see with the monitor Sam wasnt in bed so I assumed he was at the gate - anyway I text Mark to come home and help with DS - in the next few minutes I start to make Sam’s lunch for Monday and it gets quiet so I look at the monitor and he had gotten back in bed all on his own!!! Then Mark walks in the door - go figure! Sam falls asleep and STTN –
Monday morning I am getting ready for work and watching Sam on the monitor – the second he wakes up he climbs out of the crib and stands at the door whining for me. This is a pain because I usually get Sam from his crib once I am totally dressed and ready for work – here I am in my robe with soaking wet hair – Ugh – I have to convince Sam that it’s fun to help mommy dry her hair – haha
Monday night Mark is prepared to take over bedtime duties for the next week – Sam and I do our usual bedtime routine of snuggling in our bed before heading to his room – While we are laying there I tell Sam that he is a big boy and he needs to stay in his bed tonight – no climbing out! He says “no turn off noise machine” I say “That’s right, you don’t touch the noise machine, you stay in bed and don’t touch anything”. We head to his room and I rub his back and then tell him mommy is leaving and to stay in his bed. He says “mommy shut gate?” I tell him yep! To keep you safe! I leave and grab the monitor – he is sitting up but still in bed. Then he starts screaming “No Beary! No Beary!” I laugh and Mark is like “what is he saying???” I tell him I stuck his bear “beary” in the crib and apparently Sam wasn’t happy – so I go in and get Beary and Sam tells me he wants him by the noise machine so that is where I put him. I leave once again.
A few moments later I am watching the monitor and he is fumbling with the crib bumper – now that the crib front is gone there isn’t a place to tie down the strings in the middle – he is screaming “Mommy, fix it! Mommy fix it”
Once again I laugh and grab some duct tape to tape it down but before I get to his room its quiet so I check the monitor and he is laying down – guess he figured it wasn’t a big deal after all =) Then, he goes to sleep!
Not once did he try to get out – I was sooo excited!!!!
Tuesday morning he was still sleeping when I was ready to get him up so he didn’t get up on his own but was in a great mood when I got him.
Not sure if we just got lucky or if he learned really fast to stay in bed – guess we will see how tonight goes!
update: Tonight more success!! yay! He fussed and as I watched the monitor he looked like he was going to climb out but then he changed his mind - he is in there now playing - at least he is in the crib =)
Until bed time comes....
He goes in at 8:30 and by 9:07pm I am telling Mark to put the crib front back on! He says no and instead covers up the rest of the bed with a board - so now the entire front is "covered" but its still low to the ground - which is nice for me.
So now he can’t get out which he did as soon as I left the room last night for about 50 times. He wasn’t happy about this board being there but finally goes to sleep.
Come nap time Sunday he decides the railing is low enough that he CAN climb over it..... so now we are dealing with him getting out again - he does this 5 times and again I tell Mark to put the crib front back on. Instead he sits in the rocker next to the crib and every time Sam gets up tells him to get back in the bed – he is unhappy about this, but finally falls alseep.
Sunday night Mark was at the neighbors watching the Super Bowl so I did bedtime - Same thing happened - he got out of bed over and over and over. The first 3 times I left his gate on the door open so he comes in my room all smiles and says "hi mommy!" I wish he wasnt so freakin cute cuz its hard to be mad - BUT after that I closed his gate - so now he gets up, turns off his noise machine then stands at the gate screaming. I went in and tried to rub his back but he just sits up in bed and gives me cheesy smiles and strokes my face - its really sweet but not at bedtime when mommy is tired - haha
I then try Mark’s approach and sat in the recliner and said "lay down" every time he got up. Finally I had enough and I told Sam to STAY IN BED and I was going to call Daddy - I left the room and went downstairs to text him - I could see with the monitor Sam wasnt in bed so I assumed he was at the gate - anyway I text Mark to come home and help with DS - in the next few minutes I start to make Sam’s lunch for Monday and it gets quiet so I look at the monitor and he had gotten back in bed all on his own!!! Then Mark walks in the door - go figure! Sam falls asleep and STTN –
Monday morning I am getting ready for work and watching Sam on the monitor – the second he wakes up he climbs out of the crib and stands at the door whining for me. This is a pain because I usually get Sam from his crib once I am totally dressed and ready for work – here I am in my robe with soaking wet hair – Ugh – I have to convince Sam that it’s fun to help mommy dry her hair – haha
Monday night Mark is prepared to take over bedtime duties for the next week – Sam and I do our usual bedtime routine of snuggling in our bed before heading to his room – While we are laying there I tell Sam that he is a big boy and he needs to stay in his bed tonight – no climbing out! He says “no turn off noise machine” I say “That’s right, you don’t touch the noise machine, you stay in bed and don’t touch anything”. We head to his room and I rub his back and then tell him mommy is leaving and to stay in his bed. He says “mommy shut gate?” I tell him yep! To keep you safe! I leave and grab the monitor – he is sitting up but still in bed. Then he starts screaming “No Beary! No Beary!” I laugh and Mark is like “what is he saying???” I tell him I stuck his bear “beary” in the crib and apparently Sam wasn’t happy – so I go in and get Beary and Sam tells me he wants him by the noise machine so that is where I put him. I leave once again.
A few moments later I am watching the monitor and he is fumbling with the crib bumper – now that the crib front is gone there isn’t a place to tie down the strings in the middle – he is screaming “Mommy, fix it! Mommy fix it”
Once again I laugh and grab some duct tape to tape it down but before I get to his room its quiet so I check the monitor and he is laying down – guess he figured it wasn’t a big deal after all =) Then, he goes to sleep!
Not once did he try to get out – I was sooo excited!!!!
Tuesday morning he was still sleeping when I was ready to get him up so he didn’t get up on his own but was in a great mood when I got him.
Not sure if we just got lucky or if he learned really fast to stay in bed – guess we will see how tonight goes!
update: Tonight more success!! yay! He fussed and as I watched the monitor he looked like he was going to climb out but then he changed his mind - he is in there now playing - at least he is in the crib =)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Sam peed in the potty!
I am not really trying to potty train Sam as I know he isnt ready and they say to never push a child but I do ask and lately he likes to sit on the potty - but only if I too am sitting on the potty - LOL - he pulls his potty right smack next to the big potty and then gives me big cheesy smiles!! So, like every other night I ask Sam if he wants to potty before he gets in the shower - he says yes and tells me to potty too - heh - ok, so there we sit and I wait...... after about a minute he starts to pee - I didnt want to scare him so I waited till he was done and told him how proud I was of him and then gave him a high five! Way to go Sam! And yes, of course I took a picture - hahahahah
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
More snow and ice!!!
Wow - what a winter we are having - the snow keeps piling up and the cold weather isnt letting any of it melt! This week we got ice - ugh! What a mess - schools were closed and we ended up losing power for 6 hours!!! Thank goodness we had a gas generator in the garage and thank goodness Zac was here!! He got it all set up and we hooked up the frig and 2 heaters - one upstairs and one downstairs. In the meantime I get this picture from Mark who luckily happens to be in San Diego this week....
The title is "Dont need a snowblower in CA" ...... very funny my dear!
The ice sure was beautiful though! Even Zac thought so! Here are a few pictures I took - the limbs were heavy and amazingly enough we didnt lose any!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Sam knows the alphabet! How cool is that!!!! Oh I love the toddler years - fun times I tell ya! I keep trying to get a video of him saying it but he wont cooperate..... lil stinker!
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